Thursday, October 25, 2007

The first blog I looked at was Spencer's blog.
This is what I found:
1. He talked about the article which seemed interesting. The article talked about how Dell was re-working their PC to be more apple-like.
2. That this new pc will be very user friendly.
3. User friendliness is something that is always discussed in our class. We have talked about how it is essential to the design process. We have talked about how consumers look for user friendliness.

Spencer's Blog

The second blog I looked at was Alex's blog.
This is what I found:
1. I liked how it said when a product works so well we don't reallly notice it. I think that is true. When you are using a great product you don't really think about how great it is. You only really notice when you are using an object that is hurting your progress.
2. I liked the article because it listed off five ideas that good design is built upon. It has similarities and contrasts to Norman's book.
3. I thought that this website related very closely to our class. Everyday we talk about good design. How good design effects everything about the product.

Alex's Blog

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